How to correct a wrong EAN number

This guide shows you how to correct a wrong EAN number in your POS cube file.

EAN numbers are used for mapping your categorization of the products. A product is mapped as unknown if the EAN number is incorrect or missing in the cube. 

👍Pro Tip:  It is important that you have the correct EAN in your POS data as the EAN is used for mapping your own categorization to POS sales and for mapping sales out to products on completed promotions. 

If you have a product with a wrong EAN number in your cube file, this can be corrected to the right EAN number with the EAN mapping job that runs each night at  03.00  o'clock.

Jump to the guide for correcting EAN for all Wholesalers

But first - read our recommendations for following up on sales data imports.

👍 Pro-Tip: We recommend that you prepare an Excel Cube file, where you each week can check if any products need to be EAN mapped or created in effectmanager to be categorized in the cube. 

We recommend building your PivotTable in Excel like in the picture below. Then you always have all the information needed to correct EANs. 

Excel_Pivot_Unknown 1.1

🔴OBS! For you to correct a wrong EAN number, there must be a unique ProductID for the Product for a Wholesaler.  
We allow EAN mapping for ProductID 0 and ProductID - (dash) for Coop and Dagrofa.

Correcting EAN for all wholesalers

To the top of the article

For all wholesalers that you upload POS data for, you must use this step to correct an invalid EAN number in the cube. 

You can correct multiple EANs or make a single EAN correction entry in effectmanager. 

Go to Settings and on the left side menu, select EAN Mapping.

2. To make a single EAN correction press Add.

EAN Single Entry 1.1

2.a In the pop-up window input the mandatory product information and finish by pressing Save. 

Corporation = The Wholesaler
Product Id = The Wholesalers Internal Number (Find it in the cube as Pivot field ProductId)
Product Name = The Wholesaler Internal Product Name (Find it in the cube as Pivot field Product)
EAN = Your EAN, that the product is created with in effectmanager Settings/Products. 
EAN Single Entry 2.0

👍 Pro-Tip: We recommend that you use an Excel Cube file, where you have the information needed for an EAN mapping. See the Example here.

3. To make multiple EAN corrections select one or more wholesalers and press Export. 
NB! If you do not select any wholesalers all wholesalers and EAN entries will be exported. 

EAN mapping Export 1.1

4. In the exported Excel-file fill out Columns A-F with the correct information and save the file. 

You can always add entries for a wholesaler that you did not select in the export. 

EAN mapping fields 1.1

5. Import your EAN corrections to effectmanager by pressing Import.

6. In the pop-up window find your file by pressing Browse and finish by pressing Upload.
A new pop-up window informs you that your import has started. 

EAN import Pop-up 1.0

7. You will receive a confirmation email of your upload. Read it carefully.
If any entries are unsuccessful you must act on these to correct the EANs. 
Email Notification Successful 1.2

The categorization of your POS data is corrected the next time the cube is processed.
Corrections to the categorization of your POS data must be made 15 minutes before the job runs. 

NB! The Product Attribute Job runs at;  5.00 - 11.00 - 16.30 o'clock. The cubes are processed at 5.15 - 11.15 - 16.45 o'clock. This job updates the categorization of POS data in the cube. 

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