How to export Forecast Sales On Demand

This guide shows how to export a forecast file On Demand.

To access this export, you must have the appropriate permissions. If you require access, please contact our support or sales team for assistance.


Data in the file: The Forecast On Demand file includes projected volume size/measure, reflecting the impact of promotions on the baseline sales figures. This data is aggregated to represent the monthly volume for each wholesaler.

Forecast - Sales (Monthly)

In effectmanager, navigate to Reports and scroll down to Export.

2. Choose the report: Forecast - Sales (Monthly)


3. Select the desired filters for the export. It is important to note that the sales forecast is consistently exported at the wholesaler level for a monthly period.

3.1 In the chain filter You can select only one chain, but the file will have the Wholesaler name. 

🔴NB3.1! If you choose only one chain in the filter, you will receive the Sales Forecast exclusively for that Retail Chain. However, please be aware that the Wholesaler's name will still be displayed in Column A.


3.2 In the period filter You can select an uneven period for the export. However, the data will still be summed to a month in the file. So if you choose uneven months in your period filter you will not have the full months. 

🔴NB3.2! If you choose uneven months in the period filter, you will receive the Sales Forecast for incomplete months. However, please be aware that in Column C -->, the period will still be displayed as YYYYMMDD.

Filter on uneven months: 31/12/2024-31/01/2025

Export: 20241201 (data for 31/12/2024) + 20240101 (Data for 01/01/-31/01 2025)


Filter on full months: 01/12/2024-31/01/2025

Export: 20241201 (data for 01/12/-31/12/2024) + 20240101 (data for 01/01/-31/01 2025)


4. After selecting the filters, click on Load Report. This initiates a background task that generates the CSV file. The execution of the report takes approximately 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the report filters. 

Pro-tip!  The reporting period cannot exceed 18 months. If you attempt to extend beyond this limit, a pop-up will appear, prompting you to choose a shorter period.

Make sure that both the Selected Start Date and Selected End Date in your filter fall within the permitted range


5. You can initiate multiple exports of the Forecast in effectmanager; they will be queued and executed in the order they are started.

You can change the filters to reset the report for a new export with different criteria. 

Then press the 'Reload Report'- button in the report. This triggers the system to generate a new report with the selected filters.


6. Once the task is completed, you will receive an email with the report.

👍Pro-tip: If the CSV file exceeds 10MB, a download link will be provided in the email. This link remains valid for 24 hours, allowing time to download the file.