How to maintain your field force in effectmanager

If you have any updates to your field force, this guide shows you how to maintain your field force in effectmanager.

If you have updates to your field force login to effectmanager to make your correction. 

If you do not have access to Districts & Sales Reps, please contact our support to have this permission added.

In this guide, we will go through the following

🔴OBS! It is important to coordinate internally who makes updates to your Districts & Sales reps if you use Excel import. This is to avoid that two people will not make corrections in two different file versions at once. Then corrections will overwrite each other. 


How stores are created in the Districts & Sales reps

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The stores in your Districts & Sales reps are created from the Sales files you upload to effectmanager. The stores are visible in the POS cube also. Please read below how the stores are created.

New stores in the file: Stores are created in Districts & Sales Reps when there have been POS sales in the store. If you know a new store is to open, but it is not in the file, you have to wait until there have been POS sales on the store.

When a store is visible in the POS cube, you will also be able to add a Sales Rep to the store. 

Duplicate stores in the file:
If a store gets a new internal number in the chain a new store will be created in Districts & Sales Reps when you have had POS sales in the store.

Old or closed stores are saved in Districts & Sales reps for your Sales rep to still be able to see historic data on the old store.

You can flag a closed store as Inactive and filter out these Inactive stores when doing changes to your Districts & Sales reps. 

👍Pro tip! If a new store is in your Sales files loaded to effectmanager, it will be visible in the Districts & Sales Reps file the next day. 

🔴OBS! It is very important not to try and add new stores with StoreID, etc. to the file. if you do so your corrections will not be updated in effectmanager, as the import will fail.

How to update stores in effectmanager

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1. In effectmanager go to Settings and navigate to Districts & Sales Reps. 

Districts n Sales Reps 1.0

2. Select the store you want to do the correction to, it is selected when it is blue, and press Edit.  

👍Pro-tip: Using the filters, you can easily find the stores you are looking for by filtering on everything from wholesaler, chain, sales rep name, etc. 

Districts n Sales Reps 2.0

3. In the pop-up you can now make the corrections needed. The fields that are greyed out you cannot make corrections to.  
NB! Fields that are not editable are greyed out. If you need further descriptions of the fields, please jump to the Excel column descriptions.  

4. Finish your corrections to the store by pressing Save. The changes are reflected in effectmanager instantly. Districts n Sales Reps 3.0

Changes to the Districts & Sales Reps will be reflected in the cube a quarter past every hour. Meaning that at 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15, etc. changes will be reflected in the cube.

E.g if you do corrections to your Districts & Sales Reps at 9.45 your changes will be reflected in the cube at 10.15

How to update stores with the Excel file import

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If you have corrections to multiple stores we recommend using the Excel file export/import to do the corrections. 

🔴OBS! It is important to coordinate internally who makes updates to your Districts & Sales reps if you use Excel import. This is to avoid that two people will make corrections in two different file versions at once. Then corrections will overwrite each other. 

1. In effectmanager go to Settings and navigate to Districts & Sales Reps. 

2. If you wish to only export certain stores, you can filter the view before exporting the file. 

Districts n Sales Reps Export 1.0

👍Pro-tip: Using the filters, you can export an Excel file for a certain Wholesaler, a chain, a sales rep, only active stores, or how you prefer. 

3. Press Export and make the corrections to your file. 

Below is a description of all the columns in the Excel file. Jump to Excel column description. 

4. To import the file, press Import and find your file. Finish by pressing Upload.

Districts n Sales Reps Import 1.0

5. When the import is done, you will receive an Email confirmation and changes are reflected in effectmanager. 

NB! While the import is in progress, other people cannot make changes to the Districts & Sales Reps window. 

Districts n Sales Reps Import Email 1.0

Changes to the Districts & Sales Reps will be reflected in the cube a quarter past every hour. Meaning that at 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15, etc. changes will be reflected in the cube.

E.g if you do corrections to your Districts & Sales Reps at 9.45 your changes will be reflected in the cube at 10.15

Districts & Sales Reps Excel Column Description.

Columns A-E: Cannot be edited. These columns are generated by effectmanager or the retailer. 

Column F: Can be used for the segmentation you wish to add. 

Column G: This is generated by the retailer, and cannot be edited. 

Column H: This is prefilled for the stores, where wholesalers share postal codes in the sales files loaded. Every correction made to this field will overwrite what are in the files from the wholesalers.

Districts n Sales Reps Excel A-H Explained 1.0

Column I: Can be filled out with names or other identifiers used for your field force.

Column J: Can be filled out if a store is visited by more than one sales rep. 

Column K: Can be filled out with the sales rep email or used for further segmentation.

Column L: Can be filled out if you have different district identifiers.

Column M-O: Can be used for further segmentation of your field force.  

Column P: Can be used to flag if a store is active or inactive. This will only be reflected in your filtering of the Districts & Sales reps file and not in your POS cube. 

Districts n Sales Reps Excel I-P Explained 1.0

Partial Import reasons

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When importing the Excel file to effectmanager, you may experience a partial import. 

Below is an explanation of why this error might happen.

Districts n Sales Reps Partially Successful Email 1.1

If you get an email like this, a Store has changed its name with the import of Sales Data from the wholesaler.  

Solution: You need to correct this store in effectmanager. You can find the store by searching for the Storeid. 

Follow the steps here to make the change to the stores from the email.

Not successful Import reasons

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When importing the Excel file to effectmanager, you may experience a Not Successful import. 

Below is an explanation of why this error might happen.

Districts n Sales Reps NOT Successful Email 1.1

If you get an email like this, a Store does not exists in you database. 

It can have been merged so sales are on the same Store and Storeid. The Storeid from the email no longer exists in your database. 

You can also get this error if you try to create the store yourself. See here how stores are created

Solution: You need to find the line mentioned in the email in your Excel file. 

Delete the line that matches the Storeid from the email. 

Import your file again and it will be successful. 

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