How to manually create products - front end

This guide shows you how to manually create products in effectmanager front end with Master data, Chains, and Prices.


In effectmanager a product exists of 3 elements:

Products can be created directly in effectmanager front end or by using an export/import Excel file.

To create a product with an export/import file, please see our guide How to manually create products - export file

NB! If you use GS1 for product creation in effectmanager, your Product should be maintained in GS1, please see the guide How products are created and maintained in GS1 integration

Product Master Data

1. To create a new product in the effectmanager front end, in the top menu press Settings and then select Products in the side menu.

Create Product1.3


2. Before creating products, you must create categories. To do this press Add group and then select Add top-level group. 

In the pop-up window, input the name of the category and finish by pressing Save.

NB! If you want to create subgroups, you have to proceed by pressing Add Group to add a subgroup to your Category.

👍 Pro-tip: Product Groups can be deactivated if all Products and Units in the Product Group are inactive. Just edit the Product Group, and remove the checkmark in Active.  

Inactive Product Groups  can be filtered out in effectmanager using the filter Show only active products

Create Product 2.0

Create Product 2.3 - Mandatory

3. Select the category or Sub Category in which you want to create the new product - When marked with blue, the category is selected.

To add a new product in the category, press Add Product.

Create Product2.1

4. In a pop-up window, input the master data, select Active and finish by pressing Save.

NB! The fields Category, Brand, Optional 1, Optional 2, Optional 3, and Optional 4 are necessary if you have POS data. The POS data in the cube is categorized using these fields.

See our guide How to maintain categorization of POS data

Create Product3.1 - Mandatory


Retail Chains

This step is only necessary if you are using the promotion module in effectmanager. 

To the top of the article

5. After creating a product, you need to add chains. Select the product you want to add chains to. In the window go to Retail chain units and press Add.

If you need to edit multiple chains for products, please see our guide for using the export/import file here

Create Product 5.01

6. In a pop-up window you can select all Chains under the Wholesaler or just one chain. Finish by pressing Add.

Create Product5.11 - Mandatory

6.a When the chains are added, you can edit the fields External no. Assortment Code, Assortment Start Date, Assortment End Date, and Active directly in the window. Remember to press Save before finishing. 

👍Pro-tip: To remove a chain from a product, you must first delete the prices on the chain. You can always deactivate the chain if you do not wish the product to be used on promotions for this chain. 


This step is only necessary if you are using the promotion module in effectmanager. 

To the top of the article

7.  After adding chains to the products, you need to add prices. In the window, mark the chain you want to add a price to. Go to Retail chain unit prices and press Add.

Create Product 7.1

8. In a pop-up window, put in the price information, and finish by pressing Save.
Repeat until all prices for connected chains have been added.

If you need to add prices for multiple chains, you can use the export/import file, please see our guide How to manually create products - Retail Prices export file

Create Product8.1 - Mandatory

  • Cost price: The price of manufacturing or ordering the products possibly with freight costs, tariffs, and insurance. The price is excl. VAT per delivery unit.
  • Billing price: The wholesaler's purchase price at the manufacturer incl. various costs, such as freight, etc. The price is excl. VAT per delivery unit.
  • Inn price: The chain's purchase price at the manufacturer incl. various costs, such as freight, etc. The price is excl. VAT per delivery unit.
  • ESP: The chain's sales price to consumers incl. VAT per sales unit.
  • ESP Promotion: The chain's promotion sales price to consumers incl. VAT per sales unit.
  • VAT: The product's VAT - default is 25%. Select another value, if VAT is different from 25%.
  • Default unit cost: The amount given by the vendor to the chain per item sold in connection with promotions. Unit costs are only registered on the product if it applies to all promotions. Specified excl. VAT per sales unit.
  • Default percentage cost: The percentage amount of the billing price given by the supplier to the chain per sold unit in connection with promotions. Default percentage costs are only registered on the product if it applies to all promotions.
  • Elasticity: Enter price elasticity if you have calculated these, otherwise enter 1.

You have now created a product in the front end and can create the rest of your products.
You can also use the export/import function to create multiple products at one time.

See our guide here on How to manually create products using the product export file.

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