This guide shows you how the promotion cube is updated with the latest changes made in effectmanager.
This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.
✉️ SUBSCRIBE to the automatic update of the Promotion Cube, and get a notification in your email, when the processing has finished. ✉️
If you are interested in getting an email notification when your promotion cube has finished the automatic processing, please contact
👍Pro-Tip: All Promotion Cubes are automatically processed every day at 10:30, 14:30, and 22:30 (ECT). It takes around 1,5 hours for the job to finish the cube processing.
In effectmanager, you can see when the Promotion cube was updated last. Go to Settings - Plan and navigate to the field: Last Update of Promotion Cube.
NB! You can only see this if you have access to Plan Setting with your user.
How to manually process the Promotion Cube
🔴OBS! The following steps are only possible if you have an iPOS promotion cube and have this login from effectmanager.
If you have made changes in the effectmanager Promotion Module and need to view it in your promotion cube you can start manual processing of the Promotion Cube.
🔴OBS! If you start a manual cube processing within 30 minutes before the automatic job, your cube processing will be added to the back of the queue of cube processing.
1. Go to IDA reports by following this link:
2. Use the login provided by effectmanager.
If you do not have the login - please contact effectmanager at
3. In IDA Reports press the icon with 'your-company-name Campaign'.
4. In the next window, Press RunModelYour-company-name.
5. In the next window, select Update Campaign Cube from the drop-down menu. Fill out your email and finish by pressing View Report.
6. You will get a confirmation window, that the processing of your Promotion Cube has started.
7. When the Promotion Cube is done updating and processing, you will get a confirmation mail to the email filled out in step5.