This guide shows you the accepted file format for Musti POS reports for effectmanager.
The POS files from Musti contain Sales data on a monthly level.
Accepted file format: Excel.xlxs
Accepted number format: 14016.56
VAT: Without VAT.
The VAT rate is added to the Turnover in the Sales Tab based on the Country Code in Column A.
- SE = 25%
- NO = 25%
- FI = 14%
Turnover Currency: Turnover is in Euro
Accepted date format: mm/yyyy eg. 03/2023
Monthly data is placed on the last date of the month.
Musti reports for effectmanager
As Musti POS reports contain Volume and Turnover in different tabs, the report must have the following headers in the tabs. The tab with Quantity is not imported.
🔴OBS! If your file contains more than 6 periods, please be aware that only the 6 latest periods are imported to the database.
See here, how to import historical data How to re-upload historical data for Musti
Musti Sales Tab
Turnover Sales data is provided in the first tab of the file. This section must contain the following headers.
Column A: Country
Column B: MMCorpFrStoreFlagNEW (Predefines rules for Chain Names are applied on import)
Column C: Brand
Column D: PGroup3
Column E: #Product
Column F: ProductName
Column G: EAN
Column I - AV, AW…..: MM/YYYY
Musti Quantity Tab
Volume Sales data is provided in the first tab of the file. This section must contain the following headers.
Column A: Country
Column B: MMCorpFrStoreFlagNEW (Predefines rules for Chain Names are applied on import)
Column C: Brand
Column D: PGroup3
Column E: #Product
Column F: ProductName
Column G: EAN
Column I - AV, AW…..: MM/YYYY