This guide shows you the accepted file format for Zoo Plus POS reports for effectmanager.
The POS files from Zoo Plus contain Volume data on a monthly level.
Accepted file format: Excel.xlxs
Accepted number format: Positive and negative integer numbers (no decimals are accepted because the file contains only volume).
VAT: The file has no turnover, so VAT is not needed.
Currency: The file contains only quantity, so no currency is needed
Turnover: There is NO turnover in the file, so default Turnover = 0
File Name: The file names defines the period and if it's PSR or VET. Therefore the name of the file should be either:
Accepted date format: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec (both upper and lower cases).
Monthly data is placed on the last date of the month.
As Zoo Plus POS reports containing only one tab with Volumes, the report must have the following headers:
- Column A: Year = NOT USED
- Column B: Period = NOT USED
- Column: C: PeriodeYear = NOT USED
- Column: D: Brand = NOT USED
- Column: E: Product level 2 = NOT USED
- Column: F: Product level 3 = NOT USED
- Column: G: zooplus Article ID = NOT USED
- Column: H: Customer Country = Chain
- Column: I: Article Name = Product ID - Product Name
- Column J: EAN Number = EAN
- Column K: Zooplus Article ID = NOT USED
- Column L: Quantity Physical = Volume
- Column M: Weight = NOT USED
- Column N: Customer Country - long = NOT USED
- Column O: Quantity tons = NOT USED
- Column P: Bonus Bag = NOT USED
- Column Q: ANIMAL = Category
- Column R: Range = Main Category
- Column S: Techno = Sub Category
- Column T: Lifestage = NOT USED
- Column U: WWMI = NOT USED
- Column V: RC name = NOT USED
- Column W: Territory = NOT USED