How to update promotions Trade Terms

This guide shows you how to update the Trade Terms for promotions.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module and upload Trade Terms to effectmanager. 

If you upload new Trade Terms for a chain or product group, you will need to update the affected promotions. 

If you are looking for a guide that shows you how to upload Trade Terms to effectmanager, please see our guide How to upload Trade Terms

When updating Trade Terms, you can update the following; End of Period Discount, Additional Discount on Invoice Price, and NS/L Budget.

🔴OBS! For Additional Discount on Invoice Price for Mix Pallets it will show Multiple Values, as product group definition of the discount can provide different discounts on products on the Mix Pallets if they belong to different Product Groups. 

Trade Terms diff 1.2

Updating Trade Terms can be done in 2 ways: 

Update Trade Terms on individual promotions

Go to the top of the article
Go to Promotion Scheduler and find the promotion that you would like to update with the new Trade Terms. 

1. In Promotion Editor, go to the Products tab. 

2. Select All products and press Get Trade Terms then select the Trade Term you wish to update. 

NB! Remember to save your promotion after updating the Trade Term. 

Get Trade Terms 1.2

Update Trade Terms with a Promotion Update

Go to the top of the article
Go to Settings in effectmanager, and press Promotion Properties.

🔴OBS! It is important only to start a Promotion Update EOB, as this update will block Promotion Scheduler for all other users of effectmanager. 

3. In Promotion Properties, go to the Promotion Update tab. 

Promotion Update 1.0

4. Mark Update Trade Terms and select the Trade Term you wish to update. Then Select the Period, Retail Chains, and Product Groups you wish to update. Finish by pressing Update Promotions.

🔴OBS! It is important only to start a Promotion Update EOB, as this update will block Promotion Scheduler for all other users of effectmanager. 

Get Trade Terms 3.2

5. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the update before it starts. Press Yes if you want to start the update. 

Get Trade Terms 4.3

6. A new pop-up window informs you that your job has started, and you will receive an email confirmation when your update has finished. 

Get Trade Terms Email 1.1

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