How to use promotion export/import

This guide shows you how to export and import promotion into effectmanager using an Excel-file.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.

If you have corrections to a large number of promotions, you can easily make these corrections using the exporting function in the Reports Module. 

In this article, you will find a guide that shows you: 

How to export and import promotions using Excel-file

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When you have corrections for promotion and connected products, these changes can be made using our export/import function in the Reports Module. 

1. In the Reports Module navigate to the left side menu and find EXPORTS - Promotions and Products.

Promotion Export 1.1

2. In the filter on the right side, select your filtering criteria. 
You can filter on basic criteria like; Chain, Category, State and Period. You can add a detail filter like; Type, Mechanism, or Flag. Finish by pressing Export

Promotion Export 2.1

3. Fill out the Excel-file with your correction 
See our guides below, for further instruction on how to use the Excel-file. 

4. Import your corrected promotion to effectmanager by pressing  Browse -  Select the file in the pop-up window. Upload the file by pressing Import

🔴OBS! Importing the Promotions and Products Excel-file will block Promotion Scheduler while the corrections are being imported. We recommend importing the file at the end of the business hours. 

Promotion Export 3.0

Promotion Import - Pop-up 1.0

5. You will receive an email notification with your import results. 
If there are any errors in the mail, your import will only be partially successful, and you will need to address the errors listed in the email. 

Promotion Import Notification 1.0

🔴OBS! Importing the Promotions and Products Excel-file will block Promotion Scheduler while the corrections are being imported. We recommend importing the file at the end of the business hours. 

👍 Pro-Tip: You can always check your logs, to see the progress of your imported files. 

How to create new promotions using the Excel-file

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You can create a new promotion using the Excel-file. 
To create new promotions using the Excel-file, you must export a Promotions and Products file. Follow steps 1-2 in the guide above

1. In the exported Promotions and Products file, you must fill out the mandatory fields to import your file. 

For a further description of the Excel-columns download our guide: Promotions and Products - Column Description. 

🔴OBS! You must never make corrections to the headers in row 1 - then the file will fail in the import. 

Promotion Export - Create New Promotions 1

Promotion Export - Create New Promotions 2

Promotion Export - Create New Promotions 3

Promotion Export - Create New Promotions 4

Promotion Export - Create New Promotions 5

2. When you have made your corrections, save your file and import it to effectmanager following Step 4-5 from above

🔴OBS! Importing the Promotions and Products Excel-file will block Promotion Scheduler while the corrections are being imported. We recommend importing the file at the end of the business hours. 

How to update promotion using the Excel-file

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You can use the Excel-file to make corrections to multiple promotions at once. 

To make corrections to multiple promotions using the Excel-file, you must export a Promotions and Products file. Follow the guide above

In the exported Promotions and Products file, you can make corrections to all fields of the promotions. 

The most common promotion updates by Excel-file is: 

  • Changes in Promotion State - also canceling promotions 
  • Changes to Promotion Start and End date
  • Changes to Promotion Mechanism

2. When you have made your corrections, save your file and import it to effectmanager following Step 4-5 from above

🔴OBS! Importing the Promotions and Products Excel-file will block Promotion Scheduler while the corrections are being imported. We recommend importing the file at the end of the business hours. 

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