How to view data through Azure

In this guide, we will explain how to view data through an Azure cube.

To view Point of Sales data or Promotion Data in an Azure cube via Excel, Power Bi, or Online Reports, a person must be granted access to the data from the effectmanager team and your organization. 

If you need access or a colleague needs access to view Sales or Promotion data, please contact the effectmanager support

Below is a description of the steps that are important, when getting access to data via Azure. 

  1. Accepting the invitation
  2. Creating a connection to view data

Accepting the invitation

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If you or a colleague needs to view data through Azure you must be granted access by the effectmanager team. To view data, the following steps must be completed. 

1. When you have been granted access, you will get an invitation by email from 

🔴OBS! It is important that the email is whitelisted. If it is not whitelisted, the email can end in the Junk/Spam filter. 

2. In the email, please press Accepter invitationen as shown below. 

Azure Invitation

3. When you have accepted the invitation you will be redirected to
This is not your unique website to access effectmanager. If you need this URL, please contact effectmanager support at

You are now ready to view data and create a connection to the cube. 

Creating a connection to view data

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If you need to view data in Online reports or Online Power Bi in effectmanager, you can do this after accepting the invitation from Azure.

If you want to create your own reports in Excel or Power Bi you must create your own connection to the cube via Excel. 

See here how to create a connection to an Azure POS cube in Excel

See here how to create a connection to an Azure Promotion cube in Excel