KPI Calculations - Sales In

This guide shows you how the Key Performance Indicators are calculated for Sales In Promotions.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the Promotion Module in effectmanager. 

Some of the Key Performance Indicators, in effectmanager, are based on how the subsidy calculation is set. This guide goes through KPI Calculations for Promotions using Sales In Subsidy.

If you are looking for a guide that shows you how KPIs are calculated for Sales Out promotions, please see our guide KPI Calculations - Sales Out

Below we will go through the KPIs for Sales In promotions in effectmanager.
We will go through the KPIs in:

Promotion Supplier Finance Report

Promotion Supplier P&L

Promotion Supplier P&L (Sales In)

🔴OBS! It is very important to note that many of the KPI calculations use Sales Out. Therefore, it is essential when analyzing your Sales In promotions to make sure that sales out are updated on the promotions.

Sales In 1.0-1

KPIs in the Promotion Supplier Finance Report

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KPIs in the Promotion Finance Report is divided into Baseline KPIs and Promotion KPIs. Below we will go through the KPIs.

KPIs using Sales Out will be marked with red in the KPI overviews. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to find your promotion's Finance report, please see our guide Promotion's Supplier Finance Report

Sales In - Finance Report 1.1

Baseline KPIs are used for calculating your promotion's Opportunity Cost and Volume lift

effectmanager can make an automatic calculation of your Baseline, or you can manually upload your Baseline's Sales figures to effectmanager.

If you need a guide that shows you how to upload Baseline to effectmanager, please see our guide How to upload Baseline

Baseline KPIs 1.2

Promotion KPIs are used for calculating all your promotion's finance. 
For Sales In promotions, the Unit subsidy and Percent Subsidy calculations are based on the Sales In figures you input into effectmanager.  

👍Pro-tip: Make sure all your prices are updated, to have your promotion finance calculated correctly. 

🔴OBS! It is very important to note that many of the KPI calculations use Sales Out. Therefore, it is essential when analyzing your Sales In promotions to make sure that sales out are updated on the promotions.

FINANCE KPI - Sales In 1.3

Download an example of the KPIs used for Promotion's Finance Report

KPIs in the Promotion Supplier P&L

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Key Measures for the Promotion P&L shows both Total P&L and Product Group P&L but uses the same calculations. In the example below, we two have one Product Group on the promotion. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to find your promotion's P&L report, please see our guide Promotion's supplier P&L report

The key figure Total variable subsidy is the only KPI in the Supplier P&L that uses Sales In. The Key Measures that use Sales Out in the calculations are marked in red in the overview below. 

👍Pro-tip: NS/L is mapped to the Promotion based on a match on Period, Chain, and Internal Number.

P&L - Sales In 1.1

P&L Key Measure in effectmanager

🔴OBS! It is very important to note that many of the KPI calculations use Sales Out. Therefore it is essential when analyzing your Sales In promotions to make sure that sales out are updated on the promotions.

P&L KPI - Sales In 1.4

P&L Product KPI - Sales In 1.1

KPIs in the Promotion Supplier P&L (Sales In)

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KPIs in the Promotion P&L Sales In Report are divided into YOUR KPIs and Chain KPIs. Below we will go through the KPIs in the report.

KPIs, where Sales Out might be used for calculations, will be marked with red in the KPI overviews. 

🔴OBS! If your Subsidy Calculations in Promotion Editor is set to Sales out. Then Sales Out figures will be used for this calculation in the P&L Sales In.

If you need a guide that shows you how to find your promotion's Finance report, please see our guide Promotion's Supplier Finance Report (Sales In)

YOUR KPIs will provide you with financial insights such as Gross Turnover, Invoiced Turnover, and Net Turnover - based on this you will also see your Share of Net Turnover.
See Calculations.

CHAIN KPIs will provide you with the Chain's Financial statement for the promotion.
See Calculations.

👍Pro-tip: All this financial information can be used for evaluating your promotions at planned and confirmed stages, so see what you pay in Trade Spend. At the completed stage this financial information helps you evaluate your promotions. 

P&L Sales In 4.0P&L Sales In 5.0

YOUR - P&L (Sales In) Key Measure in effectmanager

P&L (Sales In) KPI - Sales In 1.3

CHAIN - P&L (Sales In) Key Measure in effectmanager

P&L (Sales In) CHAIN KPI - Sales In 1.2

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