Getting Started
Products & Prices
POS Data
- POS Upload
- Maintenance of POS data
- Salling Group
- Coop Denmark
- Dagrofa
- Løvbjerg
- Nemlig
- Matas
- Q8
- OK Plus
- Circle K Denmark
- 7-Eleven
- Rema1000 Denmark
- Coop Norway
- Rema1000 Norway
- Coop Sweden
- Axfood
- Bergendahls
- Clas Ohlson
- Elkjöp
- Kesko
- Tokmanni
- Maxi Zoo
- Musti
- Dogman
- Pets
- Zoo SE
- Zoo Plus
- Plantasjen
Reporting & Analysis
Admin Users
How to export POS reports for Matas
This guide shows you how to export Matas POS reports for effectmanager.
When downloading reports from Matas Insights it is recommended that you use the browsers Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge.
🔴OBS! Depending on the language settings on your PC you may have to change the number format in Matas Insights
Export of POS reports in Matas Insights
The POS reports for Sales and Stock for effectmanager are already ready in Matas Insights and you just need to export them.
1. In the window on the right find the 3 dots and press "Flere indstillinger".
2. Select Export Data
3. Select "Data med aktuelt layout" and press Eksporter.
4. Open the file in Excel before you save it.
👍Pro-tip: This will ensure the correct formatting of the file
The accepted format for Matas Insights POS reports is:
Accepted file format: Excel
Accepted number format: 1.000,00
VAT: Including VAT
Accepted date format: dd/mm/yyyy - e.g 30/12/2022
NB! Date is stored in Excel like mm/dd/yyyy, but displayed like dd/mm/yyyy