Plantasjen Email Notifications

This guide shows you how to read the notifications in the email you will receive after the POS upload.

When you upload the Plantasjen POS report to effectmanager, we carefully check the format and data in the file. This process is essential to guarantee that the data imported into effectmanager remains accurate and free from errors

In the case any bad data quality is detected in your file, you will promptly receive an email detailing the specific error for your information.

Below notification match rules and validation in the file:


Sheets in the file validation

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The Plantasjen file should contain only 1 sheet (tab) in the Excel file. 

Only the first sheet is used for import to effectmanager. 

If data to import is not on the first sheet, 0 entries will be imported.

Headers in the file validation

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The Plantasjen file should contain specific headers in the Excel file, see this guide, for the accepted headers and order of columns.

How to set the correct POS file format for Plantasjen

If the file does not have the correct headers or is not in the right order you will receive an alert email.

Ensure the columns in the file are in the correct order and have the right headers before attempting to import the file again.

Maximum digits value validation

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The database allows for a maximum of 10 characters for sales figures. 

We have a rule for importing the file, where the sales values format allows for a maximum of 8 whole numbers and 2 digits after the decimal point. 

If the file contains more than 2 digits after the decimal point we apply standard rounding rules. 

Number format validation

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Sales Turnover values format allows for the following format: 1000,12 (no thousand separator, only decimal separator).

Sales Volume values format allows for the following format: 1000 (no decimals)

Mandatory fields

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The following columns are required in the file to maintain high data quality:  A, B, C, E, F, G, H or I.

Zero Sales Validation in the file

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To ensure we do not import zero sales to the database, there is a rule, which will reject the lines without any Turnover and Volume for the last 6 periods in the import.  

If you want to report on Zero Sales, please use the POS cubes Key figures for this. 

The rule: 

  1. Volume 0 + Turnover 0 = Both Columns have 0 → DO NOT IMPORT
  2. Volume BLANK + Turnover BLANK = Both columns have BLANK → DO NOT IMPORT
  3. Volume is different from 0 + Turnover 0 → Import the data.
  4. Volume 0 + Turnover is different from 0 → Import the data.

Date Validation

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Date format accepted: YYYY-MM-DD