Getting Started
Products & Prices
POS Data
- POS Upload
- Maintenance of POS data
- Salling Group
- Coop Denmark
- Dagrofa
- Løvbjerg
- Nemlig
- Matas
- Q8
- OK Plus
- Circle K Denmark
- 7-Eleven
- Rema1000 Denmark
- Coop Norway
- Rema1000 Norway
- Coop Sweden
- Axfood
- Bergendahls
- Clas Ohlson
- Elkjöp
- Kesko
- Tokmanni
- Maxi Zoo
- Musti
- Dogman
- Pets
- Zoo SE
- Zoo Plus
- Plantasjen
Reporting & Analysis
Admin Users
How to re-upload historical data for Q8
This guide shows you how to re-upload historical POS data for Q8.
Please contact effectmanager at support@effectmanager.com if you need to re-upload historical data for Q8.
Adding brands or products to your portfolio
If you have acquired a new brand or product, you need to contact Q8 and have them send new files to the effectmanager FTP-server.
- Your Key Account Manager orders new historic POS files with all your brands or products.
- Q8 can send the new files to the effectmanager Wednesday to Friday, to make sure not to overload the system.
- Please inform effectmanager when you have ordered the historical data re-send from Q8.
- effectmanager will follow up on the historical data sent from Q8.
- effectmanager will inform you when your historical data is read into the cube.