How to set the correct file format for Circle K Denmark

This guide shows you how to set the correct file format for Circle K POS reports for upload to effectmanager.

Circle K POS reports can be created in your Circle K PowerBI and used for uploading POS data to effectmanager. 

It is important that you use the ISO week filter option in effectmanager to get the correct report. 

🔴OBS! For week 01. If the first week of a year - week 01, is across two years the POS report from Circle K, will list days from week 01 as belonging to the previous year.

You MUST correct this manually by opening the CSV file in Notepad++ and make a search/replace for the year. 

Example - Week 01 2020: is from 30/12/2019 - 05/01/2020. 

Data from the days 30/12-31/12 2019 is listed as week 01 2019. But is in fact from week 01 2020. 

To get data loaded correctly you must do a search for 2019 and replace it with 2020. 

If you are looking for a guide that shows you how to upload POS reports for Circle K, please see our guide How to upload Circle K POS reports. 

👍Pro-Tip: As week data is put on Sundays you must make sure to ONLY have full weeks in the file uploaded. If week data is in two different files it will be overwritten. 

🔴OBS! We recommend download Circle K POS reports on Wednesday. According to Circle K, their POS reports are updated Tuesday Afternoon. 

Circle K POS reports for effectmanager

The file format for Circle K reports is CSV files. The reports must contain the following headers in the order given below. 

Sales data is on a weekly level and stored on Sundays in the POS cube.

Accepted file format: CSV
Accepted number format: 1000.00
VAT: Excluding VAT. VAT of 25% is added to the cube. 
Accepted date format: YYYY, WW eg. 2020, 01 

🔴OBS! Due to an agreed rule, entries are disregarded if there are not values in both Net Sales and Quantity columns for a product. 

Headers in the Sales Report

POS reports for effectmanager must contain the following headers in the order given below.

  • Column A: Station name
  • Column B: Station number
  • Column C: Year
  • Column D: Week of Year
  • Column E: Product code
  • Column F: Product name
  • Column G: Category
  • Column H: Barcode
  • Column I: Net Sales
  • Column J: Net Sales SPLY (not imported)
  • Column K: Quantity
  • Column L: Quantity SPLY (not imported)
  • Column M: Site[Site Address]
  • Column N: Site[Site City]
  • Column O: Site[Site Postal Code]

🔴OBS! effectmanager has a limit of 20 MB for POS files when uploading. 

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