How to set the correct POS file format for Coop Denmark

This guide shows you how to create Coop Denmark POS reports for effectmanager.

When downloading reports from Coop DWH we recommend that you use the browsers Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. 

If you are looking for a guide, that shows you how to export Coop POS reports, please see our guide How to Export POS reports from Coop DWH

If you are looking for at guide, that shows you how to upload your Coop files to effectmanager, please see our guide How to upload Coop Denmark

🔴OBS! Coop has a maximum export of 30.000 lines per report. It is most commonly the sales report that is too big. We recommend splitting it by Chains or date. 

Coop Category Reports - Daily or Weekly

You need to create a C01 Report and select the key figures as described below. 

File format: txt
Number format: 1.000,00
Date format Daily:  DD-MM-YYYY(e.g 08-03-2019) 
Date format Weekly: Vk YYYY-WW (e.g VK 2019-45) 

  1. Level of Detail - Must contain the key figures Chain (Kæde), Store (Butik), Postal Code (Postnummer), Store Status (Butiks Status), Week (Uge), and Category (Kategori).
  2. Key Figure - Must contain the key figure Turnover DKK whole category 8Oms DKK hele kategorien).
  3. Time - Must contain the key figure:
    Date (Dato) for daily category data or
    Week (Uge) for weekly category data
  4. Store - Must contain the chains you wish to export in your report. You can export all the chains in one report if it does not exceed 30.000 lines.
  5. Product - Must be empty

    Name your report and run it. In the next window, you can save your report by pressing the disk icon under Rapport Start. We suggest naming it Effectmanager Category Report.

    Coop Customer Reports - Weekly

    You need to create a C01 Report and select the key figures as described below. 

    File format: txt
    Number format: 1.000,00
    Date format: Vk YYYY-WW (e.g VK 2019-45)

    1. Level of Detail - Must contain the key figures Week (Uge) and Store (Butik). 
    2. Key Figure - Must contain the key figure Number of Customers (Antal Kunder).
    3. Time - Must contain the key figure Week (Uge).
    4. Store - Must contain the chains you wish to export in your report. You can export all the chains in one report if it does not exceed 30.000 lines.
    5. Product - Must be empty.

    Name your report and run it. In the next window, you can save your report by pressing Functions - Save Report. We suggest naming it Effectmanager Customer Report.

    Coop Sales Reports - Daily

    If you do not need sales reports with scrapings (stock-waste), create this report.
    You need to create a C01 Report and select the key figures as described below - Key figure headings must be danish. 

    File format: txt
    Number format: 1.000,00
    Date format: DD-MM-YYYY (e.g 19-11-2019)

    1. Level of Detail - Must contain the key figures Store (Butik), Product (Vare) Primary Dessin nr (Primær Dessin nr), Date (Dato), Category (Kategori), Subcategory (Under kategori), Segment (Segment), and Brand (Brand).
    2. Key Figure - Must contain the key figure Turnover DKK incl. vat (Oms DKK inkl. moms), Turnover Pieces (Oms Stk), Profit % (Avance %), and Profit DKK (Avance DKK)
    3. Time - Must contain the key figure Date (Dato).
    4. Store - Must contain the chains you wish to export in your report. You can export all the chains in one report if it does not exceed 30.000 lines.
    5. Product - Must be empty

    Name your report and run it. In the next window, you can save your report by pressing Functions - Save Report. We suggest naming it Effectmanager Sales Report.

    Coop Sales Stock-Waste Reports - Daily

    You need to create a C01 Report and select the key figures as described below. 

    File format: txt
    Number format: 1.000,00
    Date format: DD-MM-YYYY (e.g 19-11-2019)

    1. Level of Detail - Must contain the key figures Store (Butik), Product (Vare) Primary Dessin nr (Primær Dessin nr), Date (Dato), Category (Kategori), Subcategory (Under kategori), Segment (Segment), and Brand (Brand).
    2. Key Figure - Must contain the key figure Turnover DKK incl. vat (Oms DKK inkl. moms), Turnover Pieces (Oms Stk), Profit % (Avance %), Profit DKK (Avance DKK), Profit DKK after scrappings (Avance DKK efter kassationer), Scrapping Value (Kassation værdi), Scrapping Pieces (Kassation stk), Delivered Pieces (Lev stk),  and Store inventory at the end of yesterday (Butiksbeholdning stk, Ultimo igår).
    3. Time - Must contain the key figure Date (Dato).
    4. Store - Must contain the chains you wish to export in your report. You can export all the chains in one report if it does not exceed 30.000 lines.
    5. Product - Must be empty

    Name your report and run it. In the next window, you can save your report by pressing Functions - Save Report. We suggest naming it Effectmanager Sales Report.

    For a detailed user guide for Coop POS reports contact