- effectmanager academy
- POS Data
- Coop Denmark
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POS Data
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- Coop Denmark
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- Circle K Denmark
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How to split POS reports for Coop Denmark
This guide shows you how to split POS reports for Coop Denmark if they exceed 30.000 lines limit.
Coop DWH has a limit of 30.000 lines per report if you need to export the report.
It is most often the Sales Reports that exceed the limit of 30.000 lines.
We recommend you splitting the report on the Key Figure Time or/and Store.
When you have run your report, you can see the number of lines in the top right corner:
If you need a guide that shows you how to set-up the correct format for POS files from Coop DWH, see our file How to set the correct POS file format for Coop DK