Getting Started
Products & Prices
POS Data
- POS Upload
- Maintenance of POS data
- Salling Group
- Coop Denmark
- Dagrofa
- Løvbjerg
- Nemlig
- Matas
- Q8
- OK Plus
- Circle K Denmark
- 7-Eleven
- Rema1000 Denmark
- Coop Norway
- Rema1000 Norway
- Coop Sweden
- Axfood
- Bergendahls
- Clas Ohlson
- Elkjöp
- Kesko
- Tokmanni
- Maxi Zoo
- Musti
- Dogman
- Pets
- Zoo SE
- Zoo Plus
- Plantasjen
Reporting & Analysis
Admin Users
How to set the correct POS file format for Dagrofa
This guide shows you how to create Dagrofa POS reports for effectmanager.
When downloading reports from Dagrofa we recommend that you use the browsers Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Dagrofa POS reports for effectmanager
POS reports used for upload to effectmanager are already created in Merkurlive, and you just need to access the POS report Eksport af fladfil og sortimentstotaler.
Accepted file format: Excel
Accepted number format: 1.000,00
VAT: Including VAT
Accepted date format:
Weekly: YYYY WW eg. 2019 47
Daily: DD-MM-YYYY eg. 27-11-2019
Are you looking for a guide that shows you how to export Dagrofa data? Please see our guide How to export POS reports for Dagrofa
🔴OBS! effectmanager has a limit of 20 MB for file upload.
For a detailed user guide for Dagrofa POS reports contact support@effectmanager.com