How to maintain categorization of POS data - Export file

This guide shows you how to maintain the categorization of POS data in the cube by using an export file.

It is possible to enrich POS data with your categorization on Category, Brand and Optional 1, Optional 2, Optional 3, and Optional 4.

The categorization of POS data is mapped using the EAN in the cube. If products do not have an EAN or have a wrong EAN in the POS files, then it will not be mapped with your own categorization. A product is mapped as unknown if the EAN number is incorrect or missing in the cube. 

👍Pro Tip:  It is important that you have the correct EAN in your POS data as the EAN is used for mapping your own categorization to POS sales and for mapping sales out to products on completed promotions. 

To change the EAN of a product, see our guide How to correct a wrong EAN number

If you need to maintain a categorization for a lot of products, this can be done by using the export/import of an Excel-file.

🔴OBS! Before you use the export file, please make sure that your values for categorization are created in effectmanager.

See our guide How to maintain categorization of POS data

Enrich products with categorization using the export file

To maintain product categorization using the export/import file go to Products under settings.

In the top menu press Settings and then select Products in the side menu.

1. Press the button and select Export.

Categorization Export 1.0

2. In the pop-up window, mark the selected categories you wish to correct categorization on and press Export.

All categories and products are exported if nothing is selected.

🔴OBS! If you have a GS1 integration for Product Create you must check the field Only Consumer Units before you export your file for maintaining Optional 1-4. The rest is maintained with GS1 integration. 

Categorization Export 2.0

3. In the export file, make your corrections from column N (Category) to column S (Optional4).

NB! Make sure, that you have created the values for categorization in Product Properties before importing your file. See here how to do it.

🔴OBS! If you have a GS1 integration for product creation you must check your export file only contain Consumer Units with _c in the internal number when maintaining Optional 1-4. 
Category and Brand are maintained with GS1 integration. 


Categorization Export 2.0

4. When you have made the changes to your file, save it, and import it in effectmanager.

In the top menu press Settings and then select Products on the side menu.

Press the button and select Import.

Categorization Export 4.0

5. In the pop-up window, find your file by pressing Browse and then press Upload.

A new pop-up informs you that the import has started.

Categorization Export 5.0

6. When the import is done, you will receive an email notification.

Your categorization has now been imported and can be found accessing your products.

The categorization of your POS data is corrected the next time the cube is processed.
Corrections to the categorization of your POS data must be made 15 minutes before the job runs. 

Alert Mail_Product Import 1.1

NB! The Product Attribute Job runs at  5.00 - 11.00 - 16.30 o'clock5. The cubes are processed at 5.15 - 11.15 - 16.45 o'clock. This job updates the categorization of POS data in the cube. 

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