How to schedule a task/report in effectmanager

This guide shows you how to schedule tasks (reports) in effectmanager.

In effectmanager, you can schedule all POS and Promotions reports for automatic send-out. This functionality in effectmanager is of great use if you, for example, need a weekly report for your sales reps. 

In this guide you can find answers to the following: 

Schedule a task in Settings

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In effectmanager, go to Settings and find Scheduled Tasks in the menu on the left. 
To add a task this way you must use saved filters. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to save a filter, please see our guide How to use filters in effectmanager

1. In Scheduled task, you can create a task by pressing Add.

Scheduled Tasks 1.0a

2. Fill out the information for the task and press Next.
Name: Name of the task. It could be the name of the report sent by mail. Mandatory

Email to: Fill out with the recipients of this report. You can add more than one recipient. Mandatory

Description: You can make a short description of the task to be included in the email.

Task type: Select the report that you want to schedule for send-out. Mandatory

Use stored filter: Is preselected when using the Schedule task

Stored filter: 
Select the saved filter, you want to use for this report. Mandatory

Language: Select the language, that you want for your report. For now, we offer Danish and English language. If nothing is selected it will use your language settings in effectmanager. 

Scheduled Tasks 2.0a


3. You now need to select how often you would like the job to be executed, and move on by pressing Next. You can select it to only be executed one time or make it a recurrence.

🔴OBS! If you schedule a weekly POS report, your POS data must be uploaded before the execution time. If POS data is not uploaded, the report sent by email will be empty. 

Scheduled Tasks 3.1a


4. Finish by setting the start and end time for the task and finish by pressing Save.
The Start time must be set before the execution time set in the previous step. 
You can also create an expiration date for the report sent out by checking off Expires.

Scheduled Tasks 4.0a


👍 Pro-tip: Your recurring tasks will be shown on the list in Scheduled tasks, but one-time tasks will not be shown on the list when you create them. 
You can edit, delete, start, stop, and execute all your tasks by selecting it and using the menu buttons in the top menu. 

Schedule in the Report module

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In effectmanager go to the Reports module and select the report that you would like to schedule for send-out. Select your filtering criteria or use a saved filter for the report.

👍Pro-tip: If you want to schedule a recurring task, you must use a saved filter. 


1. When the report is loaded, press Schedule

Schedule Report 1.0a


2. In the pop-up window, you can now input the information for the Scheduled task. Move on to execution by pressing Next.

Follow Steps 3-4 above to finish scheduling your report.

Name: Name of the task. It could be the name of the report sent by mail. Mandatory

Email to: Fill out with the recipients of this report. You can add more than one recipient. Mandatory

Description: You can make a short description of the task.

Task type: This is preselected based on the report.

Used stored filter: If you want to use a stored filter instead of the filtering criteria you selected for this report, check the box and select the stored filter. Leave the box unchecked if you want to use the filtering criteria from the report.

Stored filter: This is by default deselected when using Schedule in the Reports module.
You need to use a stored filter if you want to schedule a recurring task.

Language: Select the language, that you want for your report. For now, we offer Danish and English language. If nothing is selected it will use your language settings of effectmanager. 

Schedule Report 2.0a


Recurring Tasks

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In effectmanager, you can schedule tasks that are recurring. These can be especially helpful if you send our reports on a specific interval internally. 

When you want to Schedule a recurring task, you have to use a Saved filter. 

See here how to create a saved filter in effectmanager. 

If you have not selected "Use Stored Filter" in Step 1, then all recurring tasks in Step 2 cannot be selected and you will see this image. To fix this, go back to Step 1 and select a Stored Filter.