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POS Data
- POS Upload
- Maintenance of POS data
- Salling Group
- Coop Denmark
- Dagrofa
- Løvbjerg
- Nemlig
- Matas
- Q8
- OK Plus
- Circle K Denmark
- 7-Eleven
- Rema1000 Denmark
- Coop Norway
- Rema1000 Norway
- Coop Sweden
- Axfood
- Bergendahls
- Clas Ohlson
- Elkjöp
- Kesko
- Tokmanni
- Maxi Zoo
- Musti
- Dogman
- Pets
- Zoo SE
- Zoo Plus
- Plantasjen
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How to upload POS reports for nemlig.com
This guide shows you how to upload your nemlig.com POS files in effectmanager front end.
You upload the nemlig.com POS files on your unique effectmanager website.
Log in with your username and password and go to POS files upload and upload your Sales-file.
You upload POS reports from nemlig, please see our guide How to set the correct file format for nemlig.com
🔴OBS! effectmanager has a limit of 20 MB for files when uploading. nemlig.com files can be split on dates or categories if your file exceeds 20MB.
After the upload, you receive an email confirmation for the upload.
NB! If the file is unsuccessful, you need to act on the errors listed in the email.
For a detailed description of how to upload POS data to the front end, please see our guide How to upload POS data on effectmanager