How to upload leaflet pictures

This guide shows you how to upload leaflet pictures from Tilbudsdata or TJEK data to effectmanager.

If you have an agreement with Tilbudsdata or TJEK data, you can upload leaflet pictures to effectmanager. These pictures can be added to your promotions or you can create promotions using Tilbudsdata. 

If you are interested in an integration of leaflet pictures, please contact

You can read more here on How to create promotions from leaflet data

We will go through the following in this guide: 

👍Pro-tip: You must export an Excel CSV file from Tilbudsdata or from TJEK.

Make sure, that your file, has the correct headers and data formats.

File format for TILBUDSDATA 

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File format: Excel.CSV
Date format: DD-MM-YYYY e.g 31-10-2021
Price format: 000,00

TILBUDSDATA - Download a guide for the required headers in the file

File format for TJEK DATA 

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File format: Excel.CSV
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD e.g 2021-10-31
Price format: 000.00
TJEK DATA - Download a guide for the required headers in the file

Importing leaflet pictures

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Go to Settings in the sidebar menu and press Pictures

1. In the menu tab press Import for either 🔶Tilbudsdata or 🔷TJEK.

Tilbudsdata 1.2

👍Pro-tip: You can overwrite leaflet pictures if there is a match on; RetailChainName, Category, Subcategory, Product, StartDate, EndDate, Amount, Price, Supplier, Week, PlanId

2. In the pop-up window, select the CSV file and finish by pressing Upload
A new pop-up informs you that the import has started.

Tilbudsdata 2.0

3. When the import has been completed, you will receive an email notification and your imported pictures will be visible in effectmanager. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to add leaflet pictures to your promotions, please see the paragraph Photo in our guide How to use Promotion Editor in Promotion Scheduler

Tilbudsdata Email notification 1.0

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