How to use Promotion Editor in Promotion Scheduler

This guide explains the different tabs in the promotion editor in effectmanager.


This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.

Go to Promotion Scheduler in effectmanager and select a promotion in the view of your choice.

In Promotion Editor, there are 9 tabs for editing and analyzing your promotion.


Promotion Editor - Photo 

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The first tab in the Promotion Editor is Photo. In this tab, you can view, remove, or add photos from the leaflets. These photos are used in the Result Report, that you can see in the Promotion Editor. But the leaflet photos are also used in Promotion Scheduler Thumbnail view and the Period Report.

If you are looking for at guide with explanation of how to upload photos, please see our guide How to upload leaflet pictures from Tilbudsdata

If you have a Tjek og Tilbudsdata integration, you can select the leaflet photo from Select from suggested promotion pictures
If you do not have a Tjek or Tilbudsdata integration, you can add photos by pressing Upload

Photo 1.1


Promotion Editor - General

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The second tab in the Promotion Editor is General. In this tab, you can edit the general information for your promotion such as promotion Name, Type, Start/end date, Fixed Costs, Mechanism, etc. 

It is in this tab you will change the promotion state from Planned to Confirmed and last Completed. 

NB! It is only for completed promotions that Point of Sales data will be updated with the POS integration running twice a week.

General 1.0


Promotion Editor - Promotion progress list

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The third tab in the Promotion Editor is the Promotion Progress list. It is in this tab, that you can see, the progress of the promotion and check off the items as your promotion progresses. 

You can add checklist items such as Settled, Additional In-Store Space, or those you use for promotions. 

In Promotion Properties, in Settings, you can create checklist items for promotions.

The checklist item Sales out imported to campaign will be marked automatically when the following is true:

  • Promotions have state Completed.
  • POS data for the wholesaler is uploaded to effectmanager.
  • The POS integrations have run the night to Wednesday and Friday. 

If you want to import sales out to the promotion again this can be done in two ways, please see our guide How to update promotions Sales Figures

Promotion progress list 1.1

👍Pro-tip: In the box, Last Checked, the date for when the checklist item was completed will have a date stamp. This way you can keep track of when your checklist items are completed. 


Promotion Editor - Conflicting promotions

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The fourth tab in the Promotion Editor is Conflicting promotions. In this tab, you can identify if you have any conflicting promotions. This check is made across Retailers and Retail Chains.

To show conflicting promotions, the promotions will need to have identical periods (promotion start/end dates) and identical product groups. 

In this tab, you also have the option to check off that the conflicting promotion is allowed. 

Conflicting Promotions 1.0


Promotion Editor - Support

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The fifth tab in Promotion Editor is Support. In this tab, you can see all the support types you have created in Promotion Properties in Settings.

In this tab, you can also edit, add, and remove support types on the promotion. You do this, by double-clicking on the field Handling, Production, or Fee next to the support type you want to edit, add or remove. Finish by pressing enter. 

Support Types 1.0


Promotion Editor - Products

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The sixth tab in Promotion Editor is Products. In this tab, you can see the products you added to the promotion when it was created. You can add, remove, or edit all the promotion information from the columns in this tab. To edit the information in the columns, just double-click on the field, enter your values and finish by pressing enter.

If you need further explanation of the different types of promotion costs, please see our guide How to use the different types of promotions costs

In the product tab, you can change the columns shown and the order of the columns. Go to the guide How to use List View columns in Promotion Scheduler 

Products 2.1

The Sales chart can be used to provide you with historic sales charts to better input your volumes when creating or editing a promotion. The Sales Chart shows both Sales In and Sales Out volumes in Sales Units. To see the Sales Chart, select only ONE product and press Sales Chart. 

If you need a guide that further explain the use of the Sales Chart, please see our guides How to use Sales In on Promotions or How to use Sales Out on Promotions

Sales Chart 2.2

You can also import the latest prices, sales figures, and trade terms.

To import this, you need to:

  • Select the product(s) to change. 
  • Press either Get latest prices, Get sales figures or Get trade terms. Then select the key figures you wish to update. Remember to save the promotion with these updates. 

Products 2.2

If you need further explanation of Get latest prices, please see our guide How to update promotions Latest Prices

If you need further explanation of Get sales figures, please see our guide How to update promotions Sales Figures

If you need further explanation of Get trade terms, please see our guide How to update promotions Trade Terms


Promotion Editor - Finance

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The seventh tab in Promotion Editor is Customer Reports. In this tab, you can find 4 finance reports for you. The key figures in these reports are also visible in the Products tab and List View. 

Finance 1.0The four promotion finance reports for you are Finance, P&L, P&L Sales In, and P&L Sales Out. These reports provide you with an overview of the promotion performance. Export is not possible. If you need to do any further analysis, we recommend using the Promotion cube. 

For a full description of the keyfigures in two reports, please see our guides Promotion's Supplier Finance Report, Promotion's Supplier P&L Report, Promotions's Supplier P&L (Sales In) or Promotion's Supplier P&L (Sales Out)


Promotion Editor - Customer Reports

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The eighth tab in Promotion Editor is Customer Reports. In this tab, you will find 2 customer reports. The key figures in these reports are also visible in the Products tab and List View. 

NB! All the key figures in Promotion Scheduler are also available in your Promotion Cube. If you need to report on several promotions, we recommend using the Promotion Cube.

If you need a guide that shows you how to connect to your promotion cube, please see our guide How to connect to a Promotion cube in Excel

Customer Reports 1.0NB! If you have linked promotions, the Promotion Reports will include the result from these promotions.

The two customer reports are a Proposal Report and a Result Report. You can export both reports to Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF before sending them to customers. 

For a full description of the two reports, please see our guides Promotion's Customer Proposal report or Promotion's Customer Result report


Promotion Editor - Linked Promotions

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The ninth and last tab in Promotion Editor is Linked Promotions. In this tab, on the column on the right, you see which promotions are linked to the active promotion.

In the column on the left, you can also see the available promotions, for linking.

Promotions will appear in the Available Promotions column if: a promotion is active on the same Retail Chain for the same period (promotion start/end date).

NB! If you have linked promotions, the Promotion Reports will include the result from these promotions.

Linked Promotions 1.1

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