How to use List View columns in Promotion Scheduler

This guide explains the different columns found in List View in Promotion Scheduler.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.

Using List View in Promotions Scheduler provides an overview of all your promotions with the given filters.
In the columns are data from the promotions such as Start Week, Promotion Week, Category, Type, State, Total Unit Subsidy, Trade Terms, Sales in, etc.

If you are looking for a guide, that explains the different views in Promotion Scheduler, please see our guide How to use Promotion Scheduler views.

Below we will go through the different columns found in List View - they will be in the order described in this article until you make changes to the columns. 

Therefore, if your columns are in a different order it is because they have been rearranged by you. The sort order of columns in List View is personal and your changes will not affect your colleagues.  See how you can change the columns shown in List View.  

The columns can be put into five overall guiding groups:

Change Columns view

Columns in List View and In the Promotion Editor Product Tab can be edited by placing the cursor on a header and pressing the arrow. Then place the courser on Columns and select/deselect by adding or removing the checkmark. 

Columns List View 1.0

👍Pro tip: You can sort the order of your columns by placing the courser on the header of the column you wish to sort. Press the header, and it will first sort by ascending order, press it again and it will sort it by descending order.  You can also press the arrow and select your sort order. 

Columns List View 2.0

To change the order of the columns, you simply drag the column to the desired location. 

Columns in List View

The columns in List View provides you with a quick overview of your promotions. It contains promotion data from general promotion information to promotion finance. 
The description is based on no columns being deselected or moved. 

General promotion information

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Columns 1 Number -18 Simulation contains general information about the promotions. It is in these columns you can see the promotions number, name, start week, type, etc.
All this information can be edited in the Promotion Editor - General tab. 

Columns List View - General information 1.0

General financial information

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Columns 19 Unit Subsidy -29 Sales out Expected contains general financial information about your promotions. It is in these columns you can see the total Unit Subsidy, sales out, baseline, etc.

All this information is also available in the Promotion Finance Reports; Finance, P&L, P&L Sales In or P&L Sales Out in the Finance tab, in the Products tab, and your promotion cube. 

If you need guides for the Promotion Editor Reports, please follow this link for guides

Columns List View - General Finance 1.0

Key Performance Indicators

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Columns 30 Turnover Supplier - 33 Cost Benefit Supplier and Columns 42 Turnover incl. VAT Chain - 48 Cost Benefit Chain contains general key performance indicators for your promotions. It is in these columns you can see the total supplier turnover, customer turnover, gross margin, etc. 

All this information is also available in the Promotion Report Finance or P&L in the Finance tab and your promotion cube. 

If you need a guide that explains the KPI's in the Promotions Reports, please see our guide Promotion Reports KPI Calculations. 

👍Pro-tip: We recommend using your access to the Promotion Cube for further analysis of your promotions.

Columns 30 Turnover Supplier - 33 Cost Benefit Supplier

Columns List View - KPI 1.0

Columns 42 Turnover incl. VAT Chain - 48 Cost Benefit Chain

Columns List View - KPI 2.1

Key Performance Indicators P&L (Sales In)

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Columns 34 Gross Turnover Supplier (Sales In) - 37 Profit - Contribution Margin Supplier (Sales In) contains the total key performance indicators for the P&L Sales In in the Finance Tab. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use the Promotion's Supplier P&L (Sales In) report see here.

If you need a guide that explains the KPI's in the Promotion's Supplier P&L (Sales In) report, please see our guide Promotion Reports KPI Calculations.

Columns List View - KPI (Sales in) 1.0

Key Performance Indicators P&L (Sales Out)

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Columns 38 Gross Turnover Supplier (Sales Out) - 41 Profit - Contribution Margin Supplier (Sales Out) contains the total key performance indicators for the P&L Sales Out in the Finance Tab. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use the Promotion's Supplier P&L (Sales Out) report see here

If you need a guide that explains the KPI's in the Promotion's Supplier P&L (Sales Out) report, please see our guide Promotion Reports KPI Calculations.

Columns List View - KPI (Sales Out) 1.0

Here you can download an example of the List view Exported to Excel. 

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