Promotion's Supplier Profit & Loss report - (Sales Out)

This guide shows you how to find a promotion's supplier P&L (Sales Out) report in the Promotion Editor in effectmanager.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager. 

The P&L Sales Out report in the Promotion Editor Finance Tab provides you with a Profit and Loss statement based on calculations using Sales In volumes for KPI calculations.

If you are looking for a guide describing the regular P&L, please see our guide Promotion's Supplier Profit & Loss report

If you are looking for a guide describing the P&L Sales In, please see our guide Promotion's Supplier Profit & Loss report - (Sales In)

P&Ls Description 1.0

👍Pro-Tip: Most important for this report, is to make sure that your prices and Sales Out figures are updated in on the promotion. Make sure your promotions are updated with the most recent prices. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to upload new prices to effectmanager, please see our guide How to manually create products - Retail Prices export file

If you need a guide that shows you how to update your prices in effectmanager, please see our How to update promotions with the Latest Prices

The P&L Sales Out Report in the effectmanager Promotion Editor will show you a Profit & Loss statement based on Sales Out figures. 

👍Pro-tip: The P&L Sales In can be used at all stages of the promotion planning.

In the planned and confirmed stage, you can use the P&L Sales Out to evaluate the promotion finance for both you and the chain based on Expected Sales figures.  

In the Completed stage, you will have your actual P&L statement based on realized sales figures. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use promotion stages in effectmanager, please see our guide How to use promotion stages correct

🔴OBS! If your Subsidy Calculations in Promotion Editor is set to Sales In. Then Sales In figures will be used for this calculation in the P&L Sales Out. Please go to the guide KPI Calculations - Sales Out to make sure you have all the information you need to have a correctly calculated P&L statement. 

P&L Sales Out

At the top, you will see your P&L statement for the promotion. Showing you the P&L values in the left column and your share of net turnover in the right column.

The Share of net turnover will show you how much your Gross Turnover must actually be and how much of your Turnover goes towards Promotion Costs as Unit Subsidy, Trade Terms, and Fixed Costs. Key figures in your P&L statement is also visible in List View columns 38-41. 

NB! List Price must be filled out for your Gross Turnover to be calculated. 

In the bottom, you have the Chains P&L statement for the promotion. Key figures in the chain P&L statement is also visible in List View columns 42-48.

👍Pro-tip: The Key figures from the Chain P&L are also in the Customer Reports in Promotion Editor. If you want to share a report with your customer, we recommend using these reports. 
Remember not to share your Finance Reports, as these contain your financial statements. 

P&L Sales Out 1.0

Opening up the Key Figures in the left column will show you which key figures contribute to this value shown in List View columns for your P&L statement and for the Chains P&L statement. 

This will provide you with more insight into your trade spent on promotions, and how much you should actually invoice the customer for your Trade spent to be valid.

🔴OBS! If your Subsidy Calculations in Promotion Editor is set to Sales In. Then Sales In figures will be used for the Variable Subsidy calculation in the P&L Sales Out.
Please go to the guide KPI Calculations - Sales Out to make sure you have all the information you need to have a correctly calculated P&L statement. 

If you need a guide that shows you a description of the columns in List View in Promotion Scheduler, please see our guide How to use List View columns in Promotion Scheduler

P&L Sales Out 2.0

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