How to use Promotion Scheduler views

This is a guide that explains the four different views in promotion scheduler in effectmanager.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.

Go to Promotion Scheduler in effectmanager.

Promotion Scheduler


There are 4 different view modes in Promotion Scheduler:

In all 4 views, you can Add, Delete, or Edit promotions.

Promotion Scheduler will always start in view you used last. 

Promotion Scheduler Single View

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Go to Single View in Promotion Scheduler.

Single View provides you with an overview of your promotions in a calendar view. Placing your cursor over the promotion shows you the promotion name and which products are on the promotion. A promotion is marked with a bold blue line when you select it. You can sort the promotions on both Chain and Category. 

Filters make it easier for you to find your promotion. You can filter the promotions on criteria like Chain, Category, Product, Promotion State, Period, and many more. For further explanation, please see our guide here

👍Pro-Tip: If you have multiple Product Category Layers, only the top-level Category will be shown in Single View. You can sort on sub-level groups in the Basic Filter - Category. By doing so, your sub-category will be displayed under the Category in Single View. 
See here how to use Promotion filters in effectmanager. 

Promotion Editor allows you to edit promotions, by clicking on the promotion you would like to edit. To see details on a specific promotion you click on the promotion box, and you can see details about the products, finance, etc. by navigating from tab to tab. For a further explanation of Promotion Editor tabs, please see our guide here

Color Codes provides a quick overview of the performance and state of your promotions. For a complete explanation of the color codes, see our guide here.

Promotion Scheduler Single View 2.1

Promotion Scheduler Double View

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Go to Double View in Promotion Scheduler.

Double View provides you with the opportunity to compare two periods of time in a calendar view. Placing your cursor over the promotion shows you the promotion name and which products are on the promotion. A promotion is marked with a bold blue line when you select it. You can sort the promotions on both Chain and Category. 

Filters make it easier for you to find your promotion. You can filter the promotions on criteria like Chain, Category, Product, Promotion State, Period, and many more. For further explanation, please see our guide here

👍Pro-Tip: If you have multiple Product Category Layers, only the top-level Category will be shown in Double View. You can sort on sub-level groups in the Basic Filter - Category. By doing so, your sub-category will be displayed under the Category in Double View. 
See here how to use Promotion Filters in effectmanager. 

Promotion Editor allows you to edit promotions, by clicking on the promotion you would like to edit. To see details on a specific promotion you click on the promotion box, and you can see details about the products, finance, etc. by navigating from tab to tab. For a further explanation of Promotion Editor tabs, please see our guide here

Color Codes provides a quick overview of the performance and state of your promotions. For a complete explanation of the color codes, see our guide here.
Promotion Scheduler Double View 1.2

Promotion Scheduler List View

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Go to List View in Promotion Scheduler.

List View provides an overview of all your promotions with the given filters. In the columns are data from the promotions such as Start Week, Promotion Week, Category, Type, State, Total Unit Subsidy, Trade Terms, Sales in, etc.

Filters make it easier for you to find your promotion. You can filter the promotions on criteria like Chain, Category, Product, Promotion State, Period, and many more. For further explanation, please see our guide here

Promotion Editor allows you to edit promotions, by clicking on the promotion you would like to edit. To see details on a specific promotion you click on the promotion box, and you can see details about the products, finance, etc. by navigating from tab to tab. For a further explanation of Promotion Editor tabs, please see our guide here

Columns contain data from the promotions, such as Sales In, Sales Out, your Gross Margin, your Customers Gross Margin, and many more key figures. You can edit the columns to show the data you need at the moment. For a further explanation of the columns, please see our guide here.

Export the promotions to Excel, if you wish to see the selected promotions from ListView in Excel. Exporting to Excel also allows you to for example make calculations based on the promotion result data in the columns. Or make a report for sending out. 

Promotion Scheduler List View 1.2

Promotion Scheduler Thumbnail View

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Go to Thumbnail View in Promotion Scheduler.

Thumbnail View is used to give a quick overview of promotion for a period including the photos from the leaflet. All the KPI’s are the ones of the vendor.

Filters make it easier for you to find your promotion. You can filter the promotions on criteria like Chain, Category, Product, Promotion State, Period, and many more. For further explanation, please see our guide here

Promotion Editor allows you to edit promotions, by clicking on the promotion you would like to edit. To see details on a specific promotion you click on the promotion box, and you can see details about the products, finance, etc. by navigating from tab to tab. For a further explanation of Promotion Editor tabs, please see our guide here

Promotion Scheduler Thumbnail View 1.1

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