Promotion's Customer Proposal report

This guide shows you where to find a promotion proposal report for your customers.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.

When you have planned your promotion and want to send your customer an overview of a specific promotion, effectmanager have a Proposal Report in the Promotion Editor. 

In the Promotion's Proposal report, the customer gets a summary of the promotion finance and calculations on each product on the promotion.

Customer Proposal Report 1.0You can export the Proposal report in three different formats; Excel, PDF, and PowerPoint.

If you need a guide that shows you how the KPIs used in the proposal report is calculated, please see our guide KPI calculations - Sales Out or KPI Calculations - Sales Inn

If you need to do further analysis of your promotion, we recommend using the Promotion Reports in the Reports Module in effectmanager or using your Promotion Cube.
In the Promotion Cube, you can build your own reports, by using the different key figures.

If you need a guide that shows you how to make a connection to your promotion cube, please see our guide How to connect to a Promotion cube in Excel

Example of how the stages affect the fields Conf. Sales Out (pcs.) and Conf. Sales Inn (pcs.).

In the Proposal report, the fields Conf. Sales Out (pcs.) and Conf. Sales Inn (pcs.) will show the volumes in the current stage of the promotion. When the promotion is marked as completed, the fields will have volumes from the last stage you made changes to.

You create a promotion, where the subsidy is calculated for Sales Inn. 
You input your expected volumes in the field Sales out. In the field Sales out Expected, you can also input the volumes for your internal information. You can now download a proposal report for the customer.

Customer Proposal Report 2.0When the customer confirms the promotion, there may be changes to the expected promotion volumes. You now change the stage to confirmed in effectmanager and input the new volumes in Sales out. You can now download a new Proposal report, where the new volumes are used for the promotion finance.

Customer Proposal Report 3.0When the promotion is completed, you change the stage of the promotion in effectmanager to completed. The Proposal report will now have key figures from the stage Confirmed. If you need a report for your customer for the completed promotion, please use the Result report found in the Promotion editor.

If you need a guide for the Result report in Promotion Editor, please see our guide Promotion's Customer Result report

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