How to use promotion costs

This guide goes through the different promotion costs in effectmanager.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager. 

If you are looking for a guide, that shows you how to create promotions in effectmanager, please see our guide How to create a promotion in effectmanager front end

When creating or editing promotions in effectmanager, there are different promotion costs. Below we will go through the different promotion costs available in effectmanager. Costs in effectmanager can be divided into Fixed Costs and Subsidies 

Fixed Cost

Fixed Cost is the amount the supplier gives the chain to finance the promotion. The fixed costs added to the promotion will be visible as Fixed Subsidy in both Promotion Scheduler List View, The Promotion Editor - Product Tab, and in your Finance Report. In the two customer promotion reports, it is listed as Promotion costs excl. VAT in the summary section. 

NB! In the Promotion Editor - Products Tab, the Fixed Costs is divided for each product on the promotion.

Fixed Cost can be added to a promotion on the first page when you create promotions.

Fixed Cost 1.0
Fixed Cost can also add it later when editing your promotion. This can be done in the General tab in the Promotion editor. 

Fixed Cost 2.1


Subsidy calculation can be based on either piece sold to the consumer during the promotion period (sales out) or it can be based on pieces sold to the chain during the promotion (sales in). 
What the subsidy calculations are based on, is selected when creating or editing a promotion, in the General tab in the Promotion Editor. 
The Unit Costs described below will be calculated based on your selected, as will your KPI calculations on your promotion reports. 

If you need a guide, that explains KPI calculations in effectmanager, please see our guide KPI Calculations - Sales Out or KPI Calculations - Sales In

Subsidy 1.0

Unit Subsidies can be added to the products in the Products tab in the fields Unit Cost or % Cost.

Unit Cost is the amount given by the supplier to the chain per piece sold in connection with the promotion. The Unit Cost is added to each Colli or unit. Unit Cost is added in Units and not in consumer units.  

% Cost is the percentage of the billing price given by the supplier to the chain per piece sold in connection with the promotion. The % Cost is added to each Colli or unit. Unit Cost is added in Units and not in consumer units.  

Subsidy 2.0

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