How to use sales out on promotions

This guide shows you, how to use the fields expected sales out and sales out when creating or editing promotions.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager. 

Adding Sales out to your promotions, at the different stages is a good way to keep track of the expected volumes for a promotion. These volumes can be a great guide for the Key Account Manager when planning promotions.

The Sales chart can be used to provide you with historic sales charts to better input your volumes when creating or editing a promotion. The Sales Chart shows both Sales Inn and Sales Out volumes in Sales Units. To see the Sales Chart, select the product and press Sales Chart. 

Sales Chart 2.2

Sales Chart 1.0

If you need a guide, that shows you how to create promotions, please see our guide How to create a promotion in effectmanager front end

Sales Out # Sales Out Expected

See paragraphs below for a further explanation of the two Sales Out fields in effectmanager. 

Sales Out VS Sales Out Expected 1.0

The field Sales Out

When creating a promotion, the field Sales Out is used to input the expected volumes from promotion sales. 

If you copy an existing promotion, your Sales Out is also copied. This way, your expected sales out for the new promotion, is based on volumes from a previous promotion. 

Sales Out 1.0

The field Sales out will be overwritten with the Actual Sales out from your customer POS data, when a promotion is changed to the completed stage. 

If you are looking for a guide, with an explanation of the different promotion stages, please see our guide How to use Promotion Stages correct. 

The field sales out are used for KPI calculations. Subsidies such as Unit Cost and % Cost will be calculated based on the field Sales out if this is selected in the Promotion Editors General tab.

If you are looking for a guide, that explains how KPI calculations for Sales out subsidies are calculated, please see our guide KPI Calculations - Sales out

Sales out from the stages Planned and Confirmed will be shown on the Customer Reports Proposal and Result in the column  Conf. sales out (pcs.).

Sales out from the stage Completed will be shown on the Customer Reports Proposal and Result in the column Actual sales out (pcs.).

If you need to do, any further analysis of your promotions, we recommend using your access to the Promotion Cube in Excel. The field sales out will be visible in the Promotion Cube Key figure Campaign Sales Volume.

Sales Out 2.2

The field Sales Out Expected

When creating a promotion the field Sales Out Expected is used to input the Key Account Managers expected volumes for the promotion. 

This field is only for your internal information and will not be overwritten by the Actual Sales out but will be visible on the promotion regardless of the stage.
We recommend also using this field if you need to compare Sales out and expected sales out in the completed stage. This field is also visible as a Key Figure in the Promotion Cube. 

Sales Out Expected will not be shown on the Customer Reports Proposal or Result. 

Sales Out Expected 1.0

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