How to use GS1 Products Price Import

This guide shows you how to use the price import fitted for the GS1 Products structure.

This guide is only of relevance if you have a GS1 product integration with effectmanager.

Importing your products to effectmanager with GS1 you can also import prices and chains that are fitted to the GS1 product structure. 

See here how to set up a GS1 Product integration.

In this article we will go through: 

Set up GS1 Products Price integration

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For you to set up a GS1 Price integration with effectmanager, you must contact 

Criteria for the GS1 price integration: 

  • Must be able to export the file to ftp provided by effectmanager
  • Must be able to export in the file format provided below
  • Must be able to export on either Wholesaler specific or Chain specific prices

File format for GS1 Products Price integration

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For you to import prices fitted to the GS1 product structure, the file must fit the criteria below. 

Further criteria and mapping rules, can be sent to you by email if you contact our Customer Success Manager or the support at 

  • File format: .csv
  • Filename: GS1Price_[Plan id]_[YYYYMMDDTTMMSS]
    NB! Plan  id is provided to you by effectmanager
  • Column Seperator: , (Comma) as column separator
  • Text Separator: " (inverted commas) as text separator
  • Date formats: dd-MM-yyyy, yyyy-MM-dd, dd/MM/yyyy.
  • Price formats: 00,00 or 00.00
    You can read more about prices in effectmanager at this link.

GS1_file Example 1.0

Conditions for the GS1 Products Price Import

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To import your GS1 Price file there are some conditions that must be met, for the file import to be successful. 

Wholesalers and Chains

Prices are matched to the chains created under the wholesaler unless there is a chain-specific price in the file. Then that/these chains will have the price specified in the file. 

Condition: The wholesaler must be created in effectmanager with a Wholesaler Internal number and chains must be created in effectmanager under the wholesaler. The Retail Chain with specified prices must have a matching Retail Chain Internal Number. 

GS1 Price Import - Wholesalers-chains 1.0

👍Pro-tip: We can create Retail Chains in effectmanager from the Price file if the file meets the conditions set in the business rules for the import. 

If you want to know more about Validation and Business rules, please contact

Product Master Data

Prices are matched on OrdreEAN or Product internal number. 

Condition: Products created in effectmanager must have an OrdreEAN or Product Internal Number to be matched to a Retail Chain price.

GS1 Price Import - Master Data 1.0