How do I make changes to my districts?

This article provides an answer to the question of how to make changes to your filed force in effectmanager.

If you hire a new employee, have changes to your districts or need to add a sales rep to a new store you can update the StoreMapping file with your changes, and then it will be visible in effectmanager.

Some of the most commonly asked question in relation to maintaining the field force is:

Field Force

How do I make changes to my district?
How do I add more than one Sales rep per store?
How do I add a Sales rep to a new store?

Stores in the file
Why is a new store not in the file?
Why does it seem a store is in the file more than once?
Can I add stores to the file?

🔴OBS! It is important to coordinate internally who updates the file. This is to avoid that two people will not make corrections in two different file versions at once. Then corrections will be overwritten.