Musti Email Notifications

This guide shows you how to read the notifications in the email, you will receive after POS upload.

When uploading the Musti POS report to effectmanager, we validate the format and the data in the file. This is to ensure that your data imported to effectmanager is not corrupted. 

If corrupted data is in your file, you will receive an email detailing the error. 

Below notification match rules and validation in the file:

Sheets in the file validation

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The Musti file contains 3 sheets (tabs) in the Excel file. 

Only two of the sheets are used for import to effectmanager. 

  1. Sales
  2. Quantity
  3. KG (Not imported, as this is calculated)

We have the following validations in place for validation of Sheets in the file. 

  1. Sheets must be in the order provided above
  2. Sheets must be named as shown above
  3. The number of rows must be a match between sheets Sales and Quantity

If the Sheet does not match the criteria, the file is rejected with the following alert in the email. 

Here is an example of an alert for the Sheet validation.

Musti - Sheet Name rule 1.0

Chain Creation rule

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Chains in Musti are based on the combination of the following columns: A + B + D. 

Please see this document for further rules (INSERT LINK TO MUSTI CUSTOMER CLASSES DOCUMENT)

If data in the following columns does not match the rules, the sales mismatch rows are rejected for import. 

If data in column B equals  FI Fr the data is rejected on import. 

Here is an example of an alert for the Chain Creation validation. 

Musti - Chain Rule

Product Group Rule

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Categories in Musti are based on Column D: PGroup3

If data in the columns i blank or equals 9, the lines are rejected from the import, as Product Group is mandatory. 

Here is an example of an alert for the Product Group validation. 

Musti - Product Group Rule

EAN Validation  in the file

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We have two validations of EAN for the import, these will return two different messages in the email.

1. Invalid EAN format

2. Blank or 0 EAN format

Invalid EAN format

The EAN format must be numerical, if the cell contains any other value, the lines are rejected for import. You will get the below alert in the email. 

You can either input a random numerical value or insert the correct EAN to import the lines of sales data. 

Here is an example of an alert for the EAN validation.

Musti - Invalid EAN format

Blank or 0 EAN format 

If there are any Products where EAN is BLANK or 0, the products are added to the EAN Mapping file. Here you can input your Product EAN to get the POS data categorized with your data. 

Products added to the EAN Mapping file will look like this in the Email. 

Here is an example of an alert for the EAN validation.

Musti - EAN Map

Zero Sales Validation in the file

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To ensure we do not import zero sales to the database, there is a rule that will reject the lines without any Turnover and Volume for the last 6 periods in the import.  

If you want to report on Zero Sales, please use the POS cubes Key figures for this. 

The rule: 

  1. Volume 0 + Turnover 0 = Both Columns have 0 → DO NOT IMPORT

  2. Volume BLANK + Turnover BLANK = Both columns have BLANK → DO NOT IMPORT

  3. Volume is different from 0 + Turnover 0 → Import the data.

  4. Volume 0 + Turnover is different from 0 → Import the data.

Data Example

Musti - Zero Sales file example

Email Message

Here is an example of an alert for the Zero Sales validation.

Musti - Zero Sales

Merging sales data rows

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If the same product is on multiple rows for the same chain with the same EAN, then the Sales Values are merged on import. 

After the merge, the lines, that now have the value 0, will appear as being excluded from the import, because they no longer have a value and will match the criteria of Zero Sales. 

Here is an example of an alert for the Sales data merge validation.

Musti - Sales Merge