How sales are automatically updated on completed promotions

This guide explains how Sales Out, Sales-In, and Returned Volumes are automatically updated on completed promotions in effectmanager.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager. 

For completed promotions in effectmanager, sales figures can be automatically updated for the following:

Automatic update of Sales-Out for Completed promotions

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effectmanager has a weekly POS integration that runs the night to Wednesday and the night to Friday. The POS integration imports uploaded POS data from your wholesaler to effectmanager. 

The POS integration starts on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 23 o'clock. 

Automatic update of sales out on promotions

Sales out are only updated on promotions, that are marked as completed before the weekly POS integration runs.

Sales out will, therefore, be updated on completed promotions, if the following is true:

  • POS data for the wholesaler for the period is uploaded to effectmanager.
  • The weekly POS integrations have run the night to Wednesday and Friday. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use the promotion stages in effectmanager, please see our guide How to use promotion stages correct

When your sales out are imported to completed promotions, the check-point in the Promotion Progress list will be checked. 

POS Integration Check-point 1.0

If the POS integration did not run, you will be notified in the effectmanager message board. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to view messages from effectmanager, please see our guide How to view messages from effectmanager

The promotion was not marked as completed before the POS integration ran

If your promotion was not marked as completed before the weekly POS integration, you can manually import sales out to your promotions. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to import sales to your promotions, please see our guide How to update promotions Sales Figures

👍Pro-tip: Did you know that effectmanager can automatically update promotion stages in effectmanager from Confirmed to Completed?

Please see our guide How to use promotion stages correct

🔴OBS!  Sales out can only be imported to promotions, if the POS integrations have run and imported POS data to effectmanager. 

Automatic update of Sales-In for Completed promotions

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effectmanager has a weekly Sales-In integration that runs the night to Wednesday and the night to Friday. This automatically imports Sales-In data from the Sales tables to effectmanager promotions. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to upload and maintain Sales In in the Sales Tables, please see our guide How to upload Sales-In

The Sales-In integration starts on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 24 o'clock. 

👍Pro-tip: Sales In is always imported to promotions based on the Unit size. 

Automatic update of Sales-In on promotions

Sales-In from the Sales Tables is only updated on promotions that are marked as completed before the weekly Sales In integration runs.

Sales-In will, therefore, be updated on completed promotions, if the following is true:

  • Sales-In for the wholesaler for the period is uploaded to effectmanager Sales Tables.
  • The weekly Sales-In integrations have run the night to Wednesday and Friday. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use the promotion stages in effectmanager, please see our guide How to use promotion stages correct

When your Sales-In are imported to completed promotions, the check-point in the Promotion Progress list will be checked. 

Sales Inn integration Check-point 1.0

Automatic update of Returned Volumes for Completed Promotions

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effectmanager has a weekly Sales integration that runs the night to Wednesday and the night to Friday. This will automatically import Returned Volume data from the Sales tables to effectmanager promotions. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to upload and maintain Returned Volumes in the Sales Tables, please see our guide How to upload  Returned Volumes or Import Returned Volumes from ERP

The Sales integration starts on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 24 o'clock. 

Automatic update of Returned Volumes on completed promotions

Returned Volumes from the Sales Tables are only updated on promotions that are marked as completed before the weekly Sales integration runs.

Returned Volumes will, therefore, be updated on completed promotions, if the following is true:

  • Returned Volumes for the wholesaler for the period are uploaded to effectmanager Sales Tables.
  • The weekly Sales integrations have run the night to Wednesday and Friday. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use the promotion stages in effectmanager, please see our guide How to use promotion stages correct

When your Returned Volumes are imported to completed promotions, the check-point in the Promotion Progress list will be checked. 

Returned Volumes Check-point 1.0

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