This guide shows the accepted file format for SOK POS reports for effectmanager.
POS files from SOK are divided into two: A SOK Value Monthly and a SOK Volume Daily file. These two files are uploaded to effectmanager.
If you are looking for a guide for how to upload SOK POS data to effectmanager, please see How to upload SOK POS reports.
SOK POS reports for effectmanager
The file format for SOK POS reports is CSV files. The reports must contain the following headers in the two files in the order given below.
🔴OBS! Be careful not to open your CSV file before uploading it, this will damage the number format in the file.
SOK Value Monthly file format
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In the SOK Value Monthly file you get Values Monthly and Category Monthly - these are only on the category level, and not in relation to a specific product.
Accepted file format: CSV
Accepted number format: 1,000,000
VAT: Including VAT 24%.
Accepted date format: YYYYMM 201911
- Column A: Ketju
- Column B: Kuukausi
- Column C: Valmistaja
- Column D: KAT4
- Column E: KAT5
- Column F: KAT6
- Column G: My € sis. alv
- Column H: My € ind
- Column I: My € sis. alv (ketju/kk/KAT6)
- Column J: My € ind (Ketju/kk/KAT6)
- Column K: My € osuus-% ketju/kk KAT6:sta
SOK Volume Daily file format
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In your SOK Volume Daily file or SOK Volume Monthly file, you get volumes on a product level on a daily level. Products are mapped to category turnover using KAT6 (column D), which is also in your Values file (Column F)
Some Category turnover is mapped, as it is connected to products from the Volume file using KAT6 which is present in both files.
Accepted file format: CSV
Accepted number format: 1,000,000
Accepted date format: DD/MM/YYYY
- Column A: Pvm
- Column B: Ketju
- Column C: Valmistaja
- Column D: KAT6
- Column E: Tuote
- Column F: EAN
- Column G: Etiketin lisäteksti
- Column H: My yks
- Column I: Tuotteen myyntipeitto
- Column J: HP lkm
🔴OBS! effectmanager has a limit of 20 MB for POS file upload.