Zoo Plus Email Notifications

This guide shows you how to read the notifications in the email you will receive after the POS upload.

When uploading the Zoo Plus POS report to effectmanager, we validate the format and data in the file. This is to ensure that your data imported to effectmanager is not corrupted. 

If corrupted data is in your file, you will receive an email detailing the error. 

Below notification match rules and validation in the file:

  1. File name validation 
  2. Sheets in the file validation 
  3. Headers in the file validation
  4. Number format validation
  5. Mandatory fields
  6. Blank/Invalid EAN validation

File name validation

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Since the file, does not contain any chance name or period. The file name defines the chain name and period.

  • The accepted format for file name is; Chain Name_MM_YYYY.
  • The accepted values for Chain Name are; Zoo Plus VET or Zoo Plus PSR.
  • The accepted values for months are;  Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec (both upper and lower cases ).

Sheets in the file validation

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The ZooPlus file should contain only 1 sheet (tab) in the Excel file. 

Only the first sheet is used for import to effectmanager. 

If the data to import is not on the first sheet, 0 entries will be imported:

Headers in the file validation

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The ZooPlus file should contain specific headers in the Excel file to ensure that data is properly imported to effectmanager.

Number format validation

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Quantity values format allows for only integer numbers.

Mandatory fields

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The following columns are mandatory, to ensure high data quality: H, I, L, Q, R, S.

EAN Mapping

Blank/Invalid EAN format

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The EAN format must be numerical, if the cell contains any other value, the lines are rejected for import. You will get the below alert in the email. 

You can either input a random numerical value or insert the correct EAN to import the lines of quantity data. 

The products are added to the EAN Mapping file. Here you can input your Product EAN to get the POS data categorized with your data. 

Products added to the EAN Mapping file will look like this in the Email. 

Here is an example of an alert for the EAN validation.