How to delete promotions in effectmanager

This guide shows you how to delete promotions in effectmanager.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager. 

If you need to delete promotions in effectmanager, this can be done by deleting a single promotion or deleting multiple promotions. 

🔴OBS! It is important to double-check before deleting promotions. If you delete them, they will be deleted for all users of effectmanager. 

Delete one promotion

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Go to Promotion Scheduler and find the promotion you want to delete. The delete function is the same in all Promotion Scheduler Views. The below description is based on List View. 

If you need a guide that describes the different Scheduler Views, please see our guide How to use Promotion Scheduler views

You can find specific promotions by using Promotion Filters on the right side.

If you want to know more about Promotion Filters, please see our guide How to use filters in effectmanager

1. Select the promotion by pressing it, the promotion is selected, when it has a blue marking. 

Delete Promotion 1.0

2. In the top left corner, press Delete promotion

Delete Promotion 2.0

3. In the pop-up window, confirm that you want to delete the promotion. When you press yes, the promotion is deleted. 

Delete Promotion 3.0

🔴OBS! It is important to double-check before deleting promotions. If you delete them, they will be deleted for all users of effectmanager. 

Delete multiple promotions

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Go to Promotion Scheduler and find the promotions you want to delete. The multiple delete function is ONLY available in Single View and List View. The below description is based on List View. 

If you need a guide that desribes the different Scheduler Views, please see our guide How to use Promotion Scheduler views

You can find specific promotions by using Promotion Filters on the right side.

If you want to know more about Promotion Filters, please see our guide How to use filters in effectmanager

1. Select the promotions for deletion by pressing CTRL on your keyboard and clicking your mouse to select the promotions. The promotions are selected when they have a red marking. 

Delete Multiple Promotions 1.1

2. In the top left corner, press Delete Selected. This will only be visible when you have selected multiple promotions. 

Promotions will stay selected if you no longer press CTRL - you can add more or deselect all selected promotions by pressing ESC on your keyboard. 

🔴OBS! If you are using Single View when deleting multiple promotions, you deselect all selections by pressing somewhere in the Promotion Calendar in Single View. 

Delete Multiple Promotions 2.1

3. In the pop-up window, confirm that you want to delete the promotions. When you press yes, the promotions are deleted. 

🔴OBS! It is important to double-check before deleting promotions. If you delete them, they will be deleted for all users of effectmanager. 

Delete Multiple Promotions 3.2

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