How to automatically import Sales In from your ERP system

This guide shows you how to automatically import Sales In from your ERP system to effectmanager Sales Tables.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the Promotion Module in effectmanager. 

By importing Sales In from your ERP system, you will have realized and invoiced Sales In figures on your promotions.

Among the advantages of importing your realized Sales In, is a calculated Inventory and Stock for each promotion, you can view this on the P&L Sales In. This provides you with indebt insight into your promotion planning process.  

If you want a guide for the P&L Sales In, please see our guide Promotion's Supplier Profit & Loss report - (Sales In)

👍Pro-tip: Your realized Sales In Figures can automatically be updated on completed promotions if they are imported to the Sales In tables in effectmanager. 

See here how to automatically update Sales In on promotions.

Importing Sales In from ERP

Sales In is imported to effectmanager from the same file as Returned Volumes and Net Sales. 

The below criteria are described based on all 3 volumes being in the import file. 

🔴OBS! Sales In is maintained on Consumer Units and is imported to promotions on Delivery Units.

If you have a GS1 integration with effectmanager, you must maintain Sales In on Delivery Units. 

Sales In must be imported to our FTP server: (credentials is provided by effectmanager)

Sales In exported from your ERP system must be: 

File Format: CSV with semicolon separator
Sales In Number Format: 1000
Returned Volumes Number Format: 1000
Net Sales Number Format:
File Name Format:
 SalesIn_PlanID_YYYYMMDD (PlanID is provided by effectmanager)
Date Format: YYYYMMDD

TEMPLATE for Sales In from ERP: Download it here to see accepted headers in the CSV file


🔴OBS! If you do not which to import Returned Volumes or Net Sales, the columns must still be in the file for effectmanager to accept it. But volumes must equal 0 or be empty. 

Sales In is imported to the effectmanager FTP server from your ERP system every night and must contain Sales In from the last 7 days. 

2. When your Sales In file is imported to the effectmanager you will receive an email notification to the contact provided to effectmanager. This mail will inform you if the file was successful or unsuccessful. 

NB! If the file was unsuccessful you must react to the errors in the email, because your Sales In is not imported. 

Sales In is imported to the effectmanager Sales In database on a daily level and mapped to units in effectmanager using the Order EAN, as Sales In is always updated on promotions using the Unit. 

3. When Sales In is imported to effectmanager, you can have your realized Sales In imported to completed promotions in effectmanager. 

If you need a guide on how to use Sales In on promotion in effectmanager, please see our guide How to use sales in on promotions

Sales In file format - Column description

Sales In ERP - Template Example 1.1

Column A: ChainID - corresponds to the Internal Number from Retail Chains Settings in effectmanager.

ChainID 1.0

Column B: Date

Column C: EAN - corresponds to the Unit Order EAN in effectmanager.

Sales In ERP - OrderEAN 1.0

Column D: Quantity in Consumer Units

Column E: Returned Quantity in Consumer Units

Column F: Net Sales in Liters

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