How to use Category sales reports in effectmanager

This guide shows you how to use POS Category sales reports in the effectmanager Reports module.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the online POS reports module in effectmanager. 

In the Category Sales reports, you get Turnover reports, where the wholesaler's category is shown with the POS data.

Using the detailed filter allows the Sales Reps to show the chain how a product or category has performed in their store. 

If you need a guide that shows you how to use filters in effectmanager, please see our guide How to use filters in effectmanager

The reports show sales per chain and shop with a chain benchmark. The report offers two bar charts with the Key figures Turnover YTD, Turnover LYTD, and Index Turnover YTD. The left side report is the chain benchmark and the right side report you can filter on a specific show or the sales rep. 
You can also see the table report used for the bar charts by switching view in the report. 

Category sales Switch 1.0

The Category Sales report is available with two different period hierarchies, below we will go through the two: 

Category Sales Daily

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This report provides you with two bar charts based on your filtering selections comparing Shop/Sales Rep to a chain benchmark based on the wholesaler's categories. The Category Sales daily report allows you to choose the desired period using the day hierarchy. Whereas Category Sales - week uses the week hierarchy and will always sum data on a weekly level. 

In the example below I have selected the Bilka chain for Salesperson Bjarne Pedersen in the period from 01/01-2020 to 18/01/2020 this will provide me with a report with all POS data from Bilka stores that Bjarne Pedersen visits with the wholesaler's categories.
It will show the Chain Benchmark as well as Ship/Sales Rep Turnover and Turnover Index for the period 01/01-2020 to 18/01/2020 and Turnover for the same period last year. Giving you the option to see how a shop/sales rep is performing compared to Chain sales. 

Category sales Switch 1.0

All POS reports can be exported to Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF by pressing the icons at the bottom of the report. 

You also have the option to Schedule Reports for automatic send-out to yourself, your Sales reps or others. Using the dynamic filters is great for an automatic send-out of a POS report. 

If you need a guide that show you how to schedule reports in effectmanager, please see our guide How to schedule a task/report in effectmanager

Category Sales Weekly

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This report provides you with two bar charts based on your filtering selections comparing Shop/Sales Rep brand sales to a chain benchmark. The Category Sales weekly uses the week hierarchy and will always sum data on a full week. Whereas Category Sales Daily allows you to select the period based on a daily period hierarchy. 

In the example below I have selected Bilka Chain and Salesrep Bjarne Pedersen - from 01/01-2020 to 18/01/2020. Using the weekly hierarchy I  will get a report from 30/12-2019 to 19/01/2020 (week52-week 3).

Try comparing the Turnover YTD on Beer & Softdrinks in the Chain Benchmark for the two reports with the same period selected - this illustrates that the week report always shows data for full weeks. 

Category sales Week # Day 1.0

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