How to maintain sales figures in effectmanager

This guide shows you how to maintain Sales In, Sales Out, and Baseline figures in effectmanager.

This guide is only of relevance if you have the promotion module in effectmanager.

The advantage of uploading sales figures to effectmanager is that it gives you the possibility to evaluate your promotions based on expected sales figures and realized sales figures. 

Sales Figures like Sales In, Sales Out, and Baseline are used for various KPI calculations in effectmanager. 

You can maintain Sales figures by uploading them to effectmanger or directly in effectmanager. 

If you need a guide that show you how to upload sales figures to effectmanager, please see our guides How to upload Sales InHow to upload Sales Out or How to upload Baseline

Maintaining Sales Figures in effectmanager

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You can maintain sales in effectmanger on product level for each chain. In the Sales Tables in effectmanager, you can maintain Sales per Product or Sales per Chain

The Sales In is maintained on Consumer Units and is imported to promotions on Delivery Units. If you have a GS1 integration with effectmanager, you must maintain Sales In on Delivery Units. 

The Sales Out is maintained on Consumer Units and is imported to promotions on Consumer Units.

The Baseline is maintained on Consumer Units and is imported to promotions on Consumer Unit. If allowed in Settings - Products, you can maintain your Baseline on Delivery Units. 

Maintain Sales per Products

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In settings go to Sales per Product. In this, you can maintain Sales In, Sales Out, and Baseline on chains per product.

1. In the top window, select the product you want to maintain the Sales Figure for by opening the Product Group to a lower level. 

🔴OBS! Selecting the tab Units is important if:

You maintain Sales In and have a GS1 integration with effectmanager

You have allowed maintaining Baseline on delivery Units. 

Sales per Product 1.0

2. In the Sales Table, select the Sales Figure, the date period, and the Level (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly). 

Sales per Product 2.1

3. In the Sales Table, you will now be able to maintain the selected Sales Figure for the selected period. It will show all chains added to the product - if a chain is missing you must add it to the product.

If you need a guide that shows you how to add chains to products, please see our guide How to manually create products - front end

In the example below, I can now insert the Baseline for Berry Mix Energy 0,2l per Chain that it is listed in. 

Maintain Sales per Product Example 1.0

Maintain Sales per Chain

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In settings go to Sales per Chain. In this, you can maintain Sales In, Sales Out, and Baseline on Products per Chain.

1. In the top window, select the Chain you want to maintain the Sales Figure for. 

🔴OBS! In this Sales Table, both Consumer Units and Delivery Units are displayed together. 

Remember to maintain Sales In on Delivery Units if you have a GS1 integration with effectmanager

Remember to maintain Baseline on delivery Units if you have selected this in settings. 

Maintain Sales per Chain 1.0

2. In the Sales Table, select the Sales Figure, the date period, and the Level (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly). 

In this window, Product Groups are displayed in the left column, then the Unit name, and Internal Number. You can collapse and expand the Product Groups by pressing the + or -. 

Maintain Sales per Chain 2.0

3. In the Sales Table, you will now be able to maintain the selected Sales Figure for the selected period. It will show all Products where the selected chain is added - if a product is missing you must add the chain to the product.

If you need a guide that shows you how to add chains to products, please see our guide How to manually create products - front end

In the example below, I can now insert Baseline figures for all products listed in Bilka.

Maintain Sales per Chain Example 1.0

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